wheel balancer

Wheel Balancer Buying Guide

Mastering Wheel Balancing: Your Ultimate Guide to Selecting the Right Wheel Balancer

You might think that all wheel balancers are created equal, but that’s not exactly the case. It’s crucial to understand the differences and functionalities of various models to ensure you’re selecting the right one for your needs.

From static to dynamic balancers, each type comes with its unique features, benefits, and drawbacks. Let’s embark on this journey together, where we’ll unravel the complexities of wheel balancing and guide you toward making an informed decision.

There’s a lot more to learn, so why not stick around?

wheel balancer

At Best Buy Auto Equipment, we help automotive business owners locate the equipment they need at prices they can afford.

Introduction to Wheel Balancing

You’re about to discover the importance of wheel balancing in vehicle maintenance. It’s a key aspect that can’t be overlooked.

You’ll also learn why investing in quality equipment is crucial for auto repair businesses.

The Importance of Wheel Balancing in Vehicle Maintenance

In the realm of vehicle maintenance, wheel balancing plays a crucial role, particularly when cruising at high speeds. It’s not only about speed optimization but also about safety assurance and driving comfort.

The maintenance benefits are considerable. Properly balanced wheels lead to performance enhancement. You’ll notice smoother and more consistent handling, which contributes to a safer and more comfortable drive. Plus, wheel balancing extends tire lifespan, reducing your overall maintenance costs.

Ultimately, it’s about ensuring your vehicle performs at its peak while minimizing potential risks. So, don’t overlook the importance of wheel balancing in vehicle maintenance. It’s a small task that delivers big benefits, making every drive a pleasure.

The Role of Quality Equipment in Auto Repair Businesses

Given the significant role wheel balancing plays in vehicle performance and safety, it’s clear that auto repair businesses must invest in high-quality wheel balancers to enhance their service outcomes and boost their reputation.

Quality equipment like reliable wheel balancers can drive:

  • Reputation enhancement,
  • Service efficiency,
  • Customer satisfaction.

When your equipment is reliable, it not only improves efficiency but also ensures accurate results, thereby increasing customer satisfaction. This invariably enhances your reputation as a dependable service provider. A solid reputation attracts more customers, paving the way for business growth.

Understanding Wheel Balancers

Let’s now get a grasp on wheel balancers.

You’ll learn about the differences between static and dynamic wheel balancers and how balancing technology has evolved over time.

This knowledge will enable you to make a more informed decision when selecting the right wheel balancer for your needs.

Static vs. Dynamic Wheel Balancers: A Comparative Overview

When choosing a wheel balancer, you’ll likely encounter two main types: static and dynamic, each with unique features and applications. From a performance comparison perspective, static balancers are simpler and less expensive but may not provide the same level of balance. Dynamic balancers, on the other hand, offer a more comprehensive balance by accounting for both static and couple imbalances.

Here are some operational differences and accuracy standards to consider:

  • Static balancers are manually operated with less accuracy, while dynamic balancers use computerized systems for higher precision.
  • Industry preferences lean towards dynamic balancers, thanks to their superior balancing abilities.
  • Maintenance requirements for dynamic balancers are higher due to their complex mechanisms.

Choose wisely to ensure smooth rides and longer tire life.

The Evolution of Wheel Balancing Technology

The journey of wheel balancing technology, from rudimentary manual methods to precise computerized systems, is a testament to the relentless pursuit of accuracy and efficiency in the automotive industry. Historical advancements and technological innovations have facilitated evolutionary progress, making significant strides toward precision improvements and efficiency enhancements.

Initially, you’d have relied on crude, labor-intensive methods. But now, thanks to technological breakthroughs, wheel balancing has become a precise and streamlined process. Modern balancers use advanced algorithms and high-speed processors to pinpoint imbalances quickly and accurately.

This evolution hasn’t just improved precision; it’s boosted efficiency too. Time-consuming manual efforts have been replaced with swift, automated operations, leaving you with more time for other key tasks.

Diving into Static Wheel Balancers

Now, let’s shift your focus toward static wheel balancers.

Take a moment to understand how they function, maintaining balance by utilizing weight at a single point without any movement.

You’ll also learn why they’re often the go-to choice for heavy-duty vehicles.

How Static Wheel Balancers Function

Delving into the world of static wheel balancers, you’ll find that these devices balance wheels without any movement, using weight at a single point, often making them the go-to choice for heavy-duty applications. They function based on simple static balancing techniques that ensure proper weight distribution across the wheel.

Here are a few important points to remember about static balancers:

  • The balancer calibration is crucial to avoid errors and ensure a balanced wheel.
  • They rely on single-point balancing, where weight is added at one point on the wheel.
  • Static balancers are particularly useful for heavy-duty vehicles due to their efficiency and simplicity.

Understanding how static balancers function can help you make an informed decision about the right wheel balancer for your needs.

Appropriate Applications for Static Balancing

When it comes to heavy-duty or commercial vehicles, you’ll often find static balancers stealing the show due to their efficiency and simplicity. They’re ideal for large tires that require precision balancing. In heavy-duty applications, such as fleet maintenance, static balancers are a boon, ensuring smooth rides and reducing tire wear.

They’re also a popular choice in maintaining industrial machinery, where imbalance can lead to costly downtime. Static balancers are key players in these scenarios, providing a reliable, straightforward solution to keep your fleet or machinery running smoothly.

Exploring Dynamic Wheel Balancers

Let’s now turn our attention to dynamic wheel balancers.

You’ll find they’ve distinct advantages, particularly when balancing the wheels of smaller vehicles.

Making the right choice here can greatly influence your vehicle’s performance and longevity.

Advantages of Dynamic Wheel Balancing

In the area of wheel balancing, dynamic balancers offer a superior level of precision, especially beneficial for smaller, more sensitive vehicles. This precision balancing results in dynamic accuracy that improves the performance of your vehicle.

Dynamic balancers use efficient technology to balance the wheel while it’s in motion, simulating the conditions of actual road driving. This results in:

  • Optimal alignment and decreased tire wear
  • Enhanced ride comfort, reducing vibrations
  • Greater fuel efficiency due to reduced friction

Investing in dynamic wheel balancing technology can provide substantial returns in the form of improved performance and enhanced driving experience. So, make the smart choice and consider the advantages of dynamic wheel balancing.

Making the Right Choice for Small Vehicles

Small vehicles, in particular, can gain significantly from dynamic wheel balancers, given their sensitivity to even minor imbalances.

The balancer sensitivity of these devices allows for precise imbalance detection, enhancing performance and providing small vehicle benefits that are hard to ignore.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Wheel Balancer

When choosing a wheel balancer, there are several factors you’ll need to consider.

First, you must decide whether a static or dynamic balancer will provide the precision you need.

Then, you’ll have to think about your budget and how much you’re willing to spend on this equipment for your shop.

Balancing Precision: Static or Dynamic?

Often, you’ll find yourself weighing the advantages of static and dynamic wheel balancers. While static machines can deliver great results in the hands of skilled technicians, dynamic balancers tend to offer superior precision.

When you’re performing a precision comparison, remember that your technician skills play a vital role. Balancer accuracy is paramount, but even the most advanced equipment will falter without competent handling. So, make sure to evaluate your team’s abilities before making an equipment selection.

In your performance evaluation, keep these factors in mind:

  • Static balancers provide adequate precision but require more skill.
  • Dynamic balancers offer enhanced accuracy, making them ideal for complex jobs.
  • Your team’s skills and the complexity of the tasks at hand should inform your choice.

Choose wisely to ensure optimal performance.

Price Considerations and Budgeting for Your Shop

Beyond the precision requirements and skills of your team, another crucial aspect to consider in selecting a wheel balancer is your shop’s budget. Budget allocation plays a significant role in your equipment options.

It’s important to make a cost comparison of different wheel balancers, taking into account their features, longevity, and service costs. This financial planning can help you decide whether to opt for a high-end model or a budget-friendly one.

Remember, it’s not about getting the cheapest but the most value for your money. Your investment strategy should focus on a wheel balancer that fits your needs and will bring a return on investment.

In the end, a well-balanced budget leads to a well-balanced wheel!

Practical Tips for Selecting a Wheel Balancer

When choosing a wheel balancer, you’ve got to keep some practical tips in mind.

First, take a good look at your shop’s needs, considering the volume and variety of vehicles you handle.

Also, don’t forget to factor in your technician’s experience as it can significantly influence the choice of balancer.

Assessing Your Shop’s Needs: Volume and Vehicle Variability

To ensure your shop gets the most suitable wheel balancer, it’s crucial to consider your workload and the variety of vehicles you service. Volume management and vehicle diversity are key factors in making an efficient balancer selection. High-traffic shops servicing a wide range of vehicles may find dynamic balancers more beneficial.

Here are three ways to optimize your selection:

  • Assess your shop’s volume and adjust your equipment choices accordingly to enhance efficiency optimization.
  • Consider the diversity of vehicles you service. A wider variety demands a versatile balancer.
  • Always aim for customer satisfaction. The right balancer can reduce wait times and improve service quality.

The Impact of Technician Experience on Balancer Selection

In choosing the right wheel balancer for your shop, don’t overlook the skill level of your technicians. Technician proficiency significantly impacts your selection, as balancer complexity can vary.

A high-end model with precision technology may seem appealing, but if your team lacks the necessary skills, it may lead to inaccuracies and inefficiencies. Assess the skill level impact on the operation and maintenance of the equipment. Consider the training requirements of the machine.

A simpler, dynamic balancer could be better for less experienced technicians. It offers computer-assisted precision, making it user-friendly and reliable. Remember, the right balancer should align with your team’s capabilities to ensure optimal performance.


As we wrap up, let’s revisit the main points to guide you in making the ideal purchase.

Remember, the quality and efficiency of your wheel balancer are paramount.

Keep these core considerations in mind to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.

Summarizing Key Takeaways for the Ideal Purchase

Let’s wrap up by revisiting the crucial factors you need to consider making the best wheel balancer purchase. Our ultimate guide has highlighted the key considerations for your balancer selection process.

  • First, understand your needs. The ideal purchase is one that caters to your specific requirements, be it for personal use or for a commercial garage.
  • Second, don’t overlook the value of quality and durability. A reliable wheel balancer can serve you faithfully for years, ensuring your investment pays off.
  • Finally, consider the support and service behind the product. A good warranty and responsive customer service can make a world of difference.

Ensuring Quality and Efficiency in Wheel Balancing

Choosing the right wheel balancer not only ensures efficient and high-quality vehicle servicing, but it also boosts customer satisfaction and success in your business. When you prioritize equipment durability, you’re investing in a tool that stands the test of time and delivers consistent results.

Balancing accuracy is crucial, too. It guarantees precision, reduces rework, and saves valuable time. This time efficiency allows you to serve more customers, enhancing their satisfaction and loyalty to your business. Ultimately, these elements contribute to your business success.

specialty lifts

Specialty Lift Buying Guide

Lift Like a Pro: Elevate Your Workshop with the Ideal Specialty Lift

Did you know that 70% of professional workshops utilize specialty lifts to increase efficiency and safety?

As someone looking to elevate your workshop, you’re likely interested in how the right lift can make a significant difference.

With various types and models, each offering unique features and benefits, the process of choosing might seem daunting.

So, how do you know which one’s the best fit for your needs? Stick around as we explore this intriguing world of specialty lifts together.

specialty lifts

Best Buy Automotive Equipment offers a diverse selection of specialty lifts to fit your car maintenance needs.

Introduction to Specialty Lifts

As you consider the set-up of your workshop, it’s important to recognize the value of specialty lifts. These unique tools can greatly enhance your work environment, providing advanced, tailored solutions for lifting needs.

Among these, portable lifting solutions stand out for their convenience and versatility, making them a prime choice for many workshops.

Enhancing Your Workshop with Specialty Lifts

Integrating specialty lifts into your workshop can significantly improve efficiency and safety in vehicle maintenance and repair tasks, playing a crucial role in enhancing the overall functionality of your workspace.

By maximizing productivity, these lifts enable you to handle multiple tasks concurrently, reducing downtime and increasing output. They streamline operations, making it easier to access and work on different parts of a vehicle and improve workflow by eliminating unnecessary movements and procedures.

This not only saves time but also minimizes the risk of accidents and injuries, making your workshop a safer place to work. Therefore, incorporating specialty lifts in your workspace is a smart move that brings a multitude of benefits, from safety and efficiency to productivity and workflow improvement.

The Convenience of Portable Lifting Solutions

While specialty lifts bolster your workshop’s overall efficiency, let’s not overlook the convenience offered by portable lifting solutions, particularly in terms of mobility and flexibility.

The portability advantages of these lifts are numerous. You’ll find them handy in outdoor work scenarios or in spaces where there’s limited room. Their design enables easy transportation and storage, maximizing your workshop’s space.

Mobility benefits are also a key feature, with their ability to be positioned exactly where needed, enhancing workflow. Moreover, these lifts are flexible solutions, and adaptable to a variety of tasks, making them an ideal addition to your workspace.

In essence, the convenience of portable lifting solutions significantly boosts your workshop’s functionality.

Types of Specialty Lifts

Now, let’s explore the different types of specialty lifts suited for various workshop needs.

You’ll learn about scissor lifts, known for their compact efficiency, and side lifts, which are designed to maximize accessibility.

Additionally, we’ll discuss low and mid-rise lifts that offer versatile height options.

Scissor Lifts: Compact and Efficient

If you’re working in a tight space, the compact design of scissor lifts can be a game-changer for your workshop. These lifts are a marvel of space-saving efficiency, fitting snugly into areas where traditional lifts simply can’t go.

Despite their size, scissor lifts offer a sturdy platform that’s ideal for quick maintenance tasks. Whether you’re doing routine checks or more intensive repairs, these lifts make it easy and efficient. They rise vertically, providing a stable surface that makes your work safer and more efficient.

They’re also portable, adding to their convenience. With a scissor lift in your workshop, you’ll find that even the most compact spaces can become major productivity hubs. It’s a small change that can make a big difference in your workshop.

Side Lifts: Maximizing Accessibility

For your workshop needs, consider the unique positioning advantages of side lifts, a type of specialty lift that maximizes accessibility for various vehicle maintenance tasks. Side lifts work by raising vehicles from the sides, providing unobstructed access to the undercarriage. This accessibility advantage simplifies tasks such as brake, exhaust, and suspension work.

Besides, side lifts are portable and require minimal space, making them a space-saving solution that enhances your workshop efficiency. With them, you can easily maneuver around and conduct maintenance tasks without rearranging your entire workshop.

Low and Mid-Rise Lifts: Versatile Height Options

Ever wondered about the versatility of low and mid-rise lifts in handling varied vehicle service needs in your workshop? These lifts offer unique height options and vehicle compatibility that can improve your workshop efficiency.

  1. Low and mid-rise lifts provide adjustable height options, allowing you to access different areas of a vehicle with ease. They’re designed to accommodate various vehicle types, enhancing your lift selection process.
  2. Their repair versatility is commendable. Whether it’s brake work, tire rotation, or body repair, these lifts can handle it all, ensuring maintenance suitability.
  3. With these lifts, you can increase your workshop efficiency. Their adaptability to different service needs means you can swiftly move from one task to another, saving time and boosting productivity.

Choosing the Right Specialty Lift

Choosing the right specialty lift for your workshop isn’t just about the lift itself, but also about your specific needs and the space you have available.

You’ll need to compare lift capacities and sizes to ensure your choice can handle your tasks.

Don’t forget to consider portability and ease of use, as these factors can greatly impact your productivity.

Assessing Your Space and Needs

Understanding your workshop’s space and specific needs is the first crucial step in selecting the right specialty lift. Start by assessing space; consider the layout of the workshop, including ceiling height and floor space. This will guide you on the lift capacity you can accommodate.

Consider vehicle compatibility: Ensure the lift can handle the types and sizes of vehicles you service.

Think about frequency of use: If you’re regularly lifting vehicles, you’ll need a durable, high-capacity lift.

Plan for the future: Consider any potential expansion plans or diversifying your services. Your lift should be versatile enough to grow with your business.

Choosing the right lift isn’t just about your current needs, it’s about preparing for the future too.

Comparing Lift Capacities and Sizes

When it comes to selecting the right specialty lift for your workshop, comparing lift capacities and sizes is a crucial step you can’t afford to skip. A lift capacity comparison helps you determine what type of lift can handle the weight of the vehicles you typically service.

Size considerations are equally important. The lift needs to fit in your workshop and accommodate the dimensions of your vehicles. Remember, a lift that’s too small may not support larger vehicles, while a lift that’s too big could limit your workspace.

Portability and Ease of Use

Every workshop needs a lift that’s not only powerful and size-appropriate, but also user-friendly and portable. Consider the portability advantages and ease of operation when selecting the right specialty lift.

  1. User-friendly design: Look for lifts with simple, intuitive controls. This means less time reading the manual and more time getting work done.
  2. Ease of operation: The best lifts are those that make your work easier, not harder. Choose a lift with features that streamline your workflow, like quick setup times and easy maneuverability.
  3. Portability advantages: A portable lift can expand your service range. You can easily move it to where it’s needed, making it a versatile addition to your workshop.

Benefits of Specialty Lifts

Consider the numerous advantages that specialty lifts can offer to your workshop. They not only enhance safety and efficiency, but they also provide the convenience of on-the-go repairs.

Let’s explore how these benefits can fundamentally transform your workshop operations.

Enhancing Safety and Efficiency in the Workshop

Harnessing the power of specialty lifts can dramatically increase your workshop’s safety and efficiency, particularly in the realm of vehicle servicing. Here’s how it works:

  1. Safety enhancements: Specialty lifts reduce the risk of accidents by offering a stable platform for vehicle lifting. This prevents potential mishaps caused by vehicle instability or falling parts.
  2. Efficiency boost: With specialty lifts, you’ll spend less time juggling with jack stands or creepers and more time actually fixing the vehicle. It’s a surefire way to streamline your operations.
  3. Workshop optimization: Specialty lifts allow for better space utilization. You’ll be able to perform more services in the same workspace, boosting your workshop’s productivity.

The Convenience of On-the-Go Repairs

While boosting productivity within your workshop is crucial, there’s also immense value in offering on-the-go repairs, a feat made possible by portable specialty lifts. These handy tools provide the convenience of mobile maintenance, transforming your service into a unique selling point.

Imagine providing roadside assistance with ease, or offering emergency services at any location. You’re no longer limited to the confines of your workshop. With this newfound flexibility, you can attend to on-site fleet maintenance without any hassle.

Portable specialty lifts aren’t just about convenience, they’re also about expanding your business reach and increasing customer satisfaction. So, go beyond the traditional workshop setup and embrace the freedom of on-the-go repairs.

Final Considerations in Specialty Lift Selection

Before finalizing your choice of specialty lift for your workshop, it’s critical to consider a few key factors.

First, consider the durability and maintenance requirements of the lift to ensure it can stand up to the demands of your tasks.

Secondly, make a thoughtful cost versus benefit analysis to ensure that the investment in the lift is worthwhile and aligns with your budget.

Durability and Maintenance of Lifts

When choosing a specialty lift for your workshop, considering the durability of the lift is key to ensure its longevity and reliability. Look for durability features like high-quality materials, robust construction, and proven design. These elements contribute to the longevity benefits of your lift, making it a worthwhile investment.

Regular maintenance also plays a crucial role in extending the life of your lift. Here are three maintenance tips to follow:

  1. Regularly check and lubricate moving parts to prevent wear and tear.
  2. Keep the lift clean to avoid build-up that can affect operation.
  3. Schedule periodic inspections to catch and address potential issues early.
Making the Investment: Cost vs. Benefit Analysis

Investing in a specialty lift for your workshop requires careful consideration of both the upfront cost and the potential benefits, ensuring you’re getting the best value for your money. It’s crucial to find cost-effective solutions that fit within your budget without sacrificing quality.

Conduct a thorough performance analysis, estimating the lift’s potential to increase service capacity and customer satisfaction. Ponder on the expanded services that a specialty lift could introduce to your business, which could in turn augment your revenue over time.

In wrapping up, picking the perfect specialty lift for your workshop isn’t rocket science. It’s about understanding your needs, exploring different types, and weighing benefits. With the right choice, you’ll boost productivity, enhance safety, and simplify complex tasks.

So, don’t hesitate. Elevate your workshop today with a specialty lift that fits the bill. And remember, the right lift isn’t just a tool—it’s an investment in your professional future.

car lift buying guide

Car Lift Buying Guide

Car Lift Buying Guide

Many people look to local mechanics when issues pop up with their vehicles. Working on these vehicles involves having the right space to do so, which is where powerful car lifts come in. They let you hoist vehicles up, allowing you easier access for more efficient and comfortable work. Making sure you have all the equipment necessary to service any car that drives up to your shop is essential, but it can be difficult to get the best fit for your requirements. Read through our car lift buying guide and get the information you need to find the best fit for your space.

car lift buying guide

Car Lift Choices

The biggest choice you will want to make when narrowing down your options is between two and four post lifts. These two main types of car lifts have a few primary differences, and they will have different effects on your shop and the work you wish to perform. Two post lifts work by hoisting a car up from the middle, while four post lifts raise the vehicle up from around the wheels. This causes a few big differences that you will want to keep in mind when deciding on the perfect lift for you.

Two Post Lifts

First, two post lifts support the vehicle from its midsection, with the vehicle’s frame resting on the supports. This means that two post lifts save a bit of space when raising vehicles. The wheels of the vehicle will fall below the supporting arms. This can save up to 17 inches and more in total height, depending on the vehicle, helping shops with low ceilings fit their lifted vehicle more easily. Most two post lifts raise vehicles around six feet in height, and the saved height can be the difference between fitting your lift and vehicle in a standard one-story building or not.

Four Post Lifts

Four post lifts do not save any space in total effective height. However, they have a more open design that allows easier access to the vehicle. Because two post lifts support the vehicle from the center, it can be difficult to access every part of the car for maintenance and repairs. Four post lifts offer easy access to the underside of the vehicle, though they restrict access to the wheels. Auxiliary lifts can combine with four post lifts to raise the vehicle off the runways and allow wheel access.

Comparing two and four post lifts

Another primary difference between two and four post lifts is the amount of space they require. The length of a two post lift is essentially the length of the vehicle being lifted, while four post lifts require extra length to support the vehicle. Four post lifts can be as long as 26 feet, with heavy duty machines as long as 36 feet. This can consume a lot of space in your shop, so make sure you are prepared if you intend to choose a four post lift.

Weight capacity is another factor to consider. Four post lifts are generally capable of lifting a lot more weight, and standard models range from 7,000 to 14,000 pounds and more, with heavy duty lifts coming in up to 40,000 pounds. Most two post lifts range from 7,000-10,000 pounds, giving them a more limited range of vehicles they can work on. If you regularly service large vehicles, especially commercial or industrial vehicles, you will want to make sure you have enough power for the job.

Smaller shops can often see a lot of benefit from choosing a two post lift. They are extremely useful machines and very effective in getting the job done. Best of all, they are less expensive than their four post counterparts. Two post lifts can range as low as $1000-2000, being a great option for family owned shops and local mechanics. Larger shops that need more lifting power might consider investing in four post lifts. While they can be much more expensive, they can also provide more functionality that will help service many different types of vehicles.

Need more help? Ask our car lift experts to help you pick out the best solution for your shop today! Call us at: 855.275.5141

2 post lift buying guide

Two Post Car Lift Buying Guide

Comprehensive Two-Post Car Lift Buying Guide

Transform Your Garage with the Ideal Car Lift

Embarking on automotive work doesn’t have to be a physically demanding ordeal. The key to a more efficient and less strenuous workflow lies in acquiring a high-quality car lift. This comprehensive guide is designed to navigate you through the myriad options available, helping you select a two-post car lift that not only meets your specific needs but also revolutionizes your garage or workshop environment.

2 post lift buying guide

However, finding the right lift for your garage or shop can be a daunting task call us at Best Buy Automotive Equipment 855.275.5141
9:00 AM – 7:00 PM EST (M-F)

Understanding Two-Post Car Lifts: Overhead vs. Baseplate Models

Diving into Overhead Lifts

Overhead two-post lifts are characterized by a beam that connects the top of the posts. This design offers exceptional stability and support while occupying minimal space. This makes it ideal for garages where space is at a premium. The overhead configuration allows for unobstructed access to the vehicle, making it easier to perform a wide range of repairs and maintenance tasks.

Exploring Baseplate Lifts

In contrast, baseplate models feature a plate situated beneath the vehicle. While this design may slightly limit access to certain parts of the vehicle, it’s particularly advantageous for garages with lower ceiling heights. The compact nature of baseplate lifts makes them a practical choice for smaller spaces.

Symmetrical vs. Asymmetrical Lifts: Making the Right Choice

Benefits of Asymmetrical Lifts

Asymmetrical lifts are distinguished by their shorter front arms, providing more space for opening vehicle doors and easier access to the interior. This design is space-efficient and is commonly preferred for most passenger vehicles. The asymmetrical configuration allows for a smaller portion of the vehicle to be positioned ahead of the posts, facilitating easier maneuvering and positioning.

Advantages of Symmetrical Lifts

Symmetrical lifts, on the other hand, are designed with equal arm lengths, offering a balanced lifting experience. This type of lift is particularly well-suited for heavier vehicles such as trucks, SUVs, and commercial vehicles. The symmetrical design provides enhanced support and stability, making it ideal for handling larger and heavier vehicles.

Beyond Design: Price, Space, and Safety Considerations

Evaluating Your Space and Budget

When choosing a two-post lift, it’s crucial to consider the physical space of your garage or workshop. Ensure that the lift you choose can be accommodated in your workspace without compromising safety or functionality. Additionally, consider your budget. While more feature-rich and heavy-duty lifts may come at a higher price point, they offer greater versatility and durability.

Safety and Support Requirements

Safety should be a paramount concern when selecting a two-post car lift. Verify that your chosen lift adheres to industry safety standards and that your workspace can structurally support the lift. Proper installation and regular maintenance are essential to ensure safe and reliable operation.

New vs. Used Lifts: Making a Cost-Effective Decision

While the allure of lower prices may make used lifts seem appealing, it’s important to consider the long-term implications. Used lifts may require more frequent maintenance and might not offer the same reliability as new models. Investing in a new, high-quality lift can provide peace of mind and reduce the likelihood of costly repairs or downtime in the future.

car lift cost

How Much Does A Car Lift Cost?

How Much Does A Car Lift Cost?

An automotive lift adds tremendous value to any growing automotive business. With the right gear and tools, you could change tires, service vehicles, perform routine tasks, or even expand your service offering to include a broader variety of vehicles. However, car lifts come as a steep startup cost for most enthusiasts and mechanics. You might be wondering, “how much is a car lift?” In this guide, Best Buy Auto Equipment explains and explores car lift price to help you better understand your buying abilities and budgetary limitations. With our help, you can keep your priorities straight while adding a monumental amount of versatility to your dealership, garage, or shop.

car lift cost

Best Buy Automotive Equipment offer a diverse range of spray booth equipment

How Much Does a Car Lift Cost to You?

Determining car lift cost and whether the investment is right for your car repair business or paint and body shop is no small task. Ideally, every automotive business owner hopes to strike the perfect balance between cost and value. What matters most is the overall cost of the car lift throughout its entire life of service and use. Automotive enthusiasts and business owners think differently in terms of this investment because hobbyists and home users don’t usually plan on earning revenue from their car lifts.

No matter how you decide to use your new car lift, it is important to understand that you get what you pay for. High-end automotive lifts are not always made of high-quality materials, but you can almost certainly expect that a low-priced lift will be made cheaply. By spending less on an inferior lift model, you may face smaller lifting cylinders, a compromised safety system, or even a thinner steel. It can be difficult to determine whether these shortcomings will cost you thousands of dollars in damage or downtime overall, so it is important to decide whether spending more on an automotive lift now is in the best interest of your business.

Car Lift Price: Model, Features, and More

Two-post and four-post car lifts are the two types of models that automotive business owners have to choose from. A typical two-post car lift with a capacity of 10,000 pounds will usually cost between $2,000 and $3,500. Two-post auto lifts that can safely handle loads up to 10,000 pounds are typically used for general services performed on cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs. High-capacity car lifts are better equipped to handle large vehicles, such as box trucks, heavy-duty pickups, walk-in vans, and more. You can expect to pay anywhere between $4,000 and $12,000 for a car lift with a capacity of 12,000 to 15,000 pounds. 18,000- to 20,000-pound car lifts can cost between $15,000 and $18,000.

Four-post car lifts are even more versatile than two-post car lifts because they can handle heavier loads. Although a four-post lift is competitively priced with two-post lifts of the same capacity, you can expect to pay a few hundred dollars more. Four-post auto lifts with 30,000- to 40,000-pound capacities generally cost between $10,000 and $45,000. We hope that this guide to car lift cost gives you the information needed to shop with confidence.

If you have any questions about this article or would like to learn more about our car lift selection, please contact us today to learn more.

type of car lifts

Different Types of Car Lifts Guide

Different Types of Car Lifts Guide

Ask any shop owner, automotive technician, and mechanic: what’s the most important investment you can make for your shop or garage? The majority will tell you that your vehicle lifts will be the most crucial. While in-ground types were most popular in the ’80s, today’s advancements in automotive technology and service technology allow the technician to have a larger variety of lifts than ever before with the surface-mounted lifts being the most popular.

type of car lifts

Best Buy Automotive Equipment carries only the best vehicle lifts from the most trusted manufacturers in the world.

In fact, there’s so much variety now that when choosing the type you need or want, you could easily get bogged down comparing. Whether you’re a new shop owner, an experienced mechanic, or a hobbyist and enthusiast, we’ll go over the different types of car lifts and what they can do.

Types of Car Lifts

The average car lift falls under these basic categories:

  • Two Post Lifts
  • Four Post Lifts
  • Scissor Lifts
  • Portable Lifts
  • Inground

Two Post Lifts

Two post lifts are the most common and most popular choice for shops all over. They’re surface mounted and most often frame-engaging with swing arms that travel up the two columns. They can be synchronized in a variety of different ways: mechanically, hydraulically or electronically.

Two post lifts are a great choice for the shop just starting out or a small shop as they’re extremely cost-efficient and leave the smaller footprint in a garage for space-saving. These are highly recommended for drive-through garages.

There are a few different styles to two lift posts. They are:

  1. Symmetrical lifts – These lifts are easy to identify. Their posts face each other directly and support arms assemblies each hold roughly 50% of the load. These lifts do have to be monitored to avoid bumping vehicle doors after you’ve driven it into position for the lift.
  2. Asymmetrical lifts – These lifts were created with the problem of accidentally hitting vehicle doors. Posts have been rotated at 30-degree angles of each other and the front arms are shorter than the back arms.
  3. These usually require a 220-volt supply.

The biggest advantage to two post lifts are the smaller footprint they make in any shop as well as being extremely affordable for those just starting their business.

Four Post Lifts

Four post lifts are the wheel-engaging type auto lift, known as a type of alignment lift. They’re another of the most common solutions for those in the automotive repair industry. Four posts give additional support and are sturdier than their counterparts, the two post lifts.

Some of the four post lift versions for the home won’t require anchorage to a floor, are a great choice for hobbyists and professional technicians alike. Though if you do plan on going with a four post lift for wheel services, you might want to invest in sliding bridge jacks as well to lift wheels off the runway.

Four post lifts have a wide variety of lifting capacities which can help narrow down a search for a specific weight group.

  1. Open Front Lift – This four post lift comes with a front cross bar to easier entering and exiting from beneath the vehicle. Can make front end adjustments faster and less of a hassle.
  2. Closed Front four post lift – The aforementioned bar is in the front.
  3. Lifting capacity ranges from 6,000lbs, 9,000lbs and even up to 40,000lbs.
  4. Four post lifts are a bit pricier than the two post.
  5. Four post lifts only require roughly 115-volt power supply compared to the 220 of two post lifts.

Scissor Lifts

Scissor lift is a general and broad term but the name can encompass any type of lift that raises a vehicle with an accordian mechanism beneath runways. Depending on the cylinders and raising rods, scissor lifts can be either drive-ons or four arm style. These lifts are most commonly employed for wheel services where lifting a vehicle to greater heights aren’t necessary.

  1. X type scissor lifts – Most notable and recognizable by the X shape the lift forms. They’re often considered mid-rise and offer more working weight. For the home-garage and portability, they aren’t as easy to move about.
  2. Parallelogram scissor lifts – Like the four post lifts, the parallelogram lift can come in a variety of lifting capabilities, all the way up to heavy-duty types with some of the top capabilities able to handle 100,000 lbs. They can be surface mounted, recessed or flush mounted. One of the fantastic features of the parallelogram scissor lift is a near unobstructed under-the-vehicle access.
  3. Pantograph Scissor lift – These lifts can also come in the double pantograph scissor lift variety. A set, or two sets of vertically stacked scissors and generally raised by hydraulics. These consume less floor space. They’re another good choice for the tech looking for a lift that is low profile and pretty much hassle free.

Portable Lifts

For the shop where every square inch of space is a premium, or a small home garage, surprisingly, portable lifts may yet be your best bet. Especially if at the end of the day or when you’re done, you want to be able to pack away a lift for either more space or simply to clean up at the end of the day.

With portable lifts you also have a great selection: two post, four post, scissor and even parallelogram. However, the main disadvantage to a portable lift is that the features and functions you get with the non portable versions are often lacking. Also, portable carrying capacities may not have the necessary heft to lift large or heavy-duty vehicles.

In-Ground Lifts

For years, in-ground lifts were the norm when it came to any well established, larger shop or rental businesses. As the industry has evolved and technologies have changed to better suit our needs, in-ground lifts aren’t as popular as they once were. They’re generally more expensive than other options found today, as installation of an in-ground lift in a shop where there isn’t any most often involves cutting of and preparing the concrete floor. Their price points are significantly steeper than other options discussed above. In-ground lifts have also earned a bad reputation due to the fact they’re susceptible to leaks of oil, gas, and fluids which in turn can be harmful to the surrounding environments.

We hope we’ve helped clarify the different types of available car lifts you’ll find for your next job, or for your new dream shop you’re in the midst of creating. For more information about the different types of lifts and to see some of the most popular available today, check out our available lifts.

home garage auto lift

Home Garage Car Lift Considerations

Home Garage Car Lift Considerations

A car lift is a big investment with equally big benefits. If you’ve been considering car lifts for your home garage there are many considerations to keep in mind while shopping. At Best Buy Auto Equipment, we can provide information to help you make sure the best home garage car lift will balance both your needs and your budget. This resourceful article will help you better evaluate the many home garage car lift considerations as you plan your purchase!

home garage auto lift

If you have any questions about any lift we offer, please contact us at 800-647-7883, and we will be happy to help you find the perfect lift for your home garage.

Home Garage Car Lift Requirements

A car lift can serve many purposes, and many requirements must be carefully considered to use one effectively. It’s important that your car lift fits your home garage, while meeting your storage or maintenance needs, and staying within your desired budget requirement. A home garage car lift needs to be able to hold the vehicles you plan on working on safely, so weight capacity is important. Lastly, with a purchase of this size, a car lift needs to be reliable and last you for years to come. If you want a lift that will last a lifetime, then you will have to invest in that decision.

Consider the Cost of a Car Lift

On average, the price of a car lift ranges from $1,500 to $10,000. However, many elements factor into determining the price of a lift. While this lift will be used in your home garage, it’s important to consider how it will be used. Will you mostly be lifting and servicing the same vehicle? Or will you be servicing a wide range of vehicles as the family or neighborhood mechanic? What kind of vehicles will the lift need to cater to? Will they be average-sized or larger, heavier ones? All of these questions are relevant when it comes to the price of a car lift.

Other things help determine the cost of a car lift. For example, the make, model, weight capacity, and construction of the lift can make a big difference in what you end up spending. Installation of a lift can be pretty pricey as well, with costs ranging from $500 to $1,000. Proper anchoring of the lift to the garage floor can add around $250 to the price if it’s not included in the initial installation fee.

Average Prices of Car Lifts

The average two-post car lift with a 10,000-pound weight capacity typically runs between $2,000 and $3,500. Four-post car lifts are typically a bit more and require more during the installation phase. However, if you’re considering a higher weight capacity or heavy-duty lift, that price can improve considerably. Working on heavier vehicles (like large trucks or commercial vehicles) means you’ll need a higher capacity lift. How you’ll be using your lift and the vehicles being serviced are the number one factor impacting the price you’ll pay.

Be Cautious of Low Prices

A car lift used in a home garage will often be less expensive than one used in a business, but it’s still important to be cautious when looking at less expensive options. While you may feel like you’re getting a good deal, you have to be certain you’re not setting yourself up for a costly and potentially hazardous situation. Cheaply made car lifts can have thinner steel construction, compromised safety systems (or no system at all), a lack of engineering structural stability, or they could be using lifting cylinders that don’t meet the necessary size requirements.

Helpful Tips

Make sure to research the warranty of the lift you’re purchasing. You should also consider selecting a lift that can handle around 1,000 – 2,000 pounds higher than what you’re planning on using it for, just in case. Finally, double-check to confirm whether shipping and installation are included in your price. If these aren’t included, you need to be aware so you can factor the cost into your budget.

Now that you’ve learned everything you need to consider when purchasing a car lift, go ahead and check out our selection! If you have any questions about any lift we offer, please contact us at 800-647-7883, and we will be happy to help you find the perfect lift for your home garage.

portable car lift

Portable Lifts For Your Shop or Home Garage

Best Portable Car Lifts- Let’s take a few moments to go through some of the many benefits

Since automotive technology is constantly changing, elevating a vehicle no longer has to be limited to a single location in your garage. Portable car lifts are a versatile solution for a variety of services, including maintenance, repairs, and restoration of vehicles. Movable lifts can easily be transported to different locations by being rolled or carried, and it only takes a few seconds. In this post, we’re going to dive into the details of two of the best portable lifts of 2023. We’ll explain all of their benefits and their numerous features, so you know exactly what you’re getting when you make your purchase. When you’re ready to make your decision, you can purchase one of these lifts with confidence, right here at Best Buy Auto Equipment!

portable car lift

As you can see, based on their impressive qualities, portable lifts are going to be a hot item for years to come.

Why You Need A Portable Lift For Your Home Garage

We know that choosing a car lift can be a challenging task. There are a ton of lift options to pick from, and it’s going to be a pretty big investment on your end, so you want to know that you’re making the right decision. We get it, and we’re here to help make things easier for you. Let’s take a few moments to go through some of the many benefits of choosing a portable lift!

Portable car lifts are great additions to any home garage for a variety of reasons. The biggest benefit, which is somewhat obvious, is their movability. Whether you’re moving the lift around the garage or you need to transport it somewhere (like the driveway or someone else’s house), you can do so with ease. These lifts are also safer and faster than traditional jacks while still giving you full access to the vehicle’s tires, suspension, brakes, body, undercarriage, and engine. Overall, portable lifts are just a really solid, well-rounded option for anyone looking to simplify and improve their home garage setup, or for anyone who needs to take their lift on the road.

Best Portable Car Lifts

At Best Buy Auto Equipment, we currently offer two high-quality options for portable lifts, both from the same well-known brand. These are the BendPak LR-60P Low-Rise Portable Specialty Car Lift (6,000 lb. capacity) and the BendPak MD-6XP Mid-Rise Portable Specialty Car Lift (6,000 lb. capacity). Both of these lifts have their own unique benefits and features, so we’re going to go into more detail on each lift now.

  1. BendPak LR-60P Low-Rise Portable Specialty Car Lift (6,000 lb. capacity)
    If you’re looking for a simple lift that’s guaranteed to get the job done – and safely, at that – then you need a lift from BendPak. The LR-60P is a rugged-top low-rise lift that can easily fit into lower bays, all while maintaining a capacity of 6,000 lbs. It’s perfect for providing quick servicing on today’s passenger cars and light trucks. This lift comes loaded with numerous features, including an electric/hydraulic power system, multi-position safety locks, rubber lifting blocks, a dropped crossbar for additional clearance, and a heavy-duty steel channel frame. Its low-profile design accommodates most vehicles, and the single-point safety release makes it easy to operate and extremely safe to use.
  2. BendPak MD-6XP Mid-Rise Portable Specialty Car Lift (6,000 lb. capacity)
    If you’re wanting to add some much-needed versatility to your home garage or professional shop, then this is the lift for you! This portable scissor lift features a mid-rise height with a top-of-the-line design that allows the lift to be placed almost anywhere, even in narrower bays. Notable features include adjustable arm assemblies and a multi-position safety lock bar to give your lifting jobs the dynamic flexibility it needs. Simply adjust your lift to any secure position, and enjoy being able to easily move it wherever you need to work. This lift even comes with a free set of truck adapters, so you can provide a seamless lifting experience, no matter what vehicle you’re working with. With the MD-6XP lift, you’ll enjoy the benefits of a dual-master hydraulic cylinder, solid steel-framed support bars, a push-button safety lock release system, and much more. Experience fast and efficient operation with a BendPak portable lift!

BendPak Designs Car Lifts You Can Count On

As you can see based on their impressive qualities, both of these portable lifts are going to be hot items this upcoming year. With their unique features and benefits at a reasonable price point, you can’t find anything better. Plus, they’re both available in a sleek new gray color this year! With BendPak lifts, you know you’re always getting a high-quality product at the most affordable price, which is why we proudly endorse them and always back their equipment. As always, if you have questions about any portable lifts or traditional 2 post or 4 post lifts visit us at https://www.bestbuyautoequipment.com/.

tire changer

Get Rolling with Our Wheel Balancers and Tire Changers

Get Rolling with Our Wheel Balancers and Tire Changers

Tire changers and wheel balancers are essential pieces of equipment for any auto shop or garage. These tools provide a safe and efficient way to remove and replace tires, making the process much easier and faster. Best Buy Automotive Equipment offers a wide range of changers and balancers to meet the needs of any auto shop or garage. This article will provide an overview of these tools and the different types available from Best Buy Automotive Equipment.

Get Rolling with Ease: Unlocking the Power of Tire Changers for Effortless Tire Maintenance

These tools offer several benefits for auto shops and garages. They provide a safe and efficient way to remove and replace tires, reducing the risk of injury to technicians and damage to vehicles. They also help to save time, as they allow multiple technicians to work on the same vehicle simultaneously. Additionally, they can help to increase the productivity of an auto shop or garage, as they allow technicians to complete tire-related tasks more quickly and efficiently.

tire changer

These tools offer several benefits for auto shops and garages. They provide a safe and efficient way to remove and replace tires, reducing the risk of injury to technicians and damage to vehicles.

Best Buy Automotive’s Tire Changer Offerings

Best Buy Automotive offers several types of tire changers, including:

  • Manual Changers: Manual changers are a simple and cost-effective option for small auto shops and home garages. They feature a hand-operated tire iron and bead breaker, making it easy to remove and replace tires.
  • Electric Changers: Electric changers are a popular choice for medium to large auto shops. They feature an electric motor and hydraulic arm to remove and replace tires, making the process much faster and more efficient.
  • Wheel Balancers: These are another important piece of equipment for any auto shop or garage. They help to ensure that tires are balanced properly, reducing vibrations and improving vehicle performance.

Best Buy Automotive offers a wide range of changers from top brands, including Ranger, Corghi, and Coats. The company’s offerings include manual and electric changers, as well as balancers and accessories. With options for both small home garages and large commercial auto shops, Best Buy Automotive is a trusted source for high-quality tire changers.

Fine-Tune Your Wheels: Mastering the Art of Wheel Balancers for a Smooth and Safe Ride

As we mentioned earlier, balancers are another essential piece of equipment for any auto shop or garage that deals with tire-related services. They are used to balance the wheels of a vehicle, ensuring a smooth and safe ride for the driver. Best Buy Automotive Equipment offers a variety of balancers to meet the needs of any auto shop or garage. This section will provide an overview of these balancers and the different types available from Best Buy Automotive Equipment.

Benefits of a Wheel Balancer

These balancers offer several benefits for auto shops and garages. They help to ensure that wheels are balanced properly, reducing vibrations and improving vehicle performance. This can lead to increased safety for the driver and passengers and a more comfortable ride. Additionally, wheel balancers can help to increase the lifespan of tires, as they help to reduce uneven wear and tear. Lastly, balancers can help to increase the productivity of an auto shop or garage, as they allow technicians to complete wheel-related tasks more quickly and efficiently.

Best Buy Automotive’s Wheel Balancer Offerings

Best Buy Automotive offers several types of wheel balancers, including:

· Manual Balancers: Manual balancers are a simple and cost-effective option for small auto shops and home garages. They feature a hand-operated spindle and bubble level to balance the wheels.

· Electric Balancers: Electric balancers are a popular choice for medium to large auto shops. They feature an electric motor and computerized system to balance the wheels more accurately and efficiently.

· Road Force Balancers: Road force balancers are a specialized type of wheel balancer that can detect and correct any tire and wheel assembly issues, including sidewall stiffness and tire/wheel runout.

Best Buy Automotive Equipment offers a wide range of balancers from top brands, including Ranger, Corghi, and Coats. The company’s offerings include manual and electric wheel balancers, as well as road force balancers and accessories. With options for both small home garages and large commercial auto shops, Best Buy Automotive is a trusted source for high-quality balancers.

Safety Considerations

While changers and balancers are essential pieces of equipment for any auto shop or garage, they can also be dangerous if not used properly. It is important to follow all safety guidelines when operating these tools, including wearing appropriate safety gear, inspecting the machine before use, and following manufacturer instructions.

Best Buy Auto Equipment is a reliable source of high-quality tire changers and wheel balancers. Our wide selection of products, competitive prices, and exceptional customer service make us a trusted choice for automotive professionals across the United States. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

atv motorcycle lift

Best Buy Auto Equipment’s Car and Motorcycle Lift Offerings

Best Buy Auto Equipment’s Car and Motorcycle Lift Offerings

Car lifts and motorcycle lifts are essential pieces of equipment for any automotive repair facility or home garage. They allow technicians and enthusiasts to safely and efficiently work on vehicles and motorcycles, providing access to the undercarriage and other hard-to-reach areas. Best Buy Automotive Equipment offers a wide range of lifts, from portable lifts for home use to heavy-duty lifts for commercial repair facilities. This article will provide an overview of these types of lifts and the different variations available from Best Buy Automotive Equipment.

Best Buy Automotive Equipment, a leader in automotive tools and equipment, offers an extensive array of spray booth solutions, essential for any advanced auto body shop or garage focusing on painting and finishing tasks. These systems, including state-of-the-art spray booths, prep stations, and advanced filtration units, provide a pristine environment for painting. This segment ensures reduced contamination risks and guarantees superior finish quality, crucial for heightened customer satisfaction and business growth. Additionally, these tools enhance safety against fire hazards and boost operational productivity, streamlining painting tasks significantly.

atv motorcycle lift

Best Buy Automotive offers a variety of car lifts and truck lifts to meet the needs of any automotive repair facility or home garage.

Raising the Bar: The Power and Precision of Car Lifts

A car lift offers several benefits for automotive repair facilities and home garages. They provide a safe and efficient way to work on vehicles, allowing technicians and enthusiasts to access hard-to-reach areas without having to crawl under the vehicle. They also help to save time, as they allow multiple technicians to work on the same vehicle simultaneously. Additionally, these lifts can help to increase the productivity of a repair facility, as they allow technicians to complete repairs and maintenance tasks more quickly and efficiently.

Best Buy Automotive offers a variety of car lifts and truck lifts to meet the needs of any automotive repair facility or home garage. Some of the most popular types of lifts include:

Two-Post Lifts: Two-post lifts are a popular choice for professional repair facilities and home garages alike. They feature two posts that hold the vehicle off the ground, allowing technicians to access the undercarriage for repairs and maintenance.
Four-Post Lifts: Four-post lifts are similar to two-post lifts but with four posts for added stability. They are ideal for heavy-duty vehicles, such as trucks and SUVs, and can also be used for storage.
Scissor Lifts: Scissor lifts are a space-saving option for home garages and small repair facilities. They feature a set of hydraulic scissors that lift the vehicle off the ground, providing access to the undercarriage.
Portable Lifts: Portable lifts are a convenient option for home garages and DIY enthusiasts. They are lightweight and easy to move and can be stored away when not in use.
Best Buy Automotive offers a range of lifts from top brands, including BendPak, Ranger, and Dannmar. The company’s offerings include two-post lifts, four-post lifts, scissor lifts, and portable lifts, as well as lift accessories and replacement parts. With options for both commercial repair facilities and home garages, Best Buy Automotive is a trusted source for high-quality lifts.

Safety Considerations

While these lifts are an essential piece of equipment for automotive repair facilities and home garages, they can also be dangerous if not used properly. It is important to follow all safety guidelines when operating a car lift, including wearing appropriate safety gear, inspecting the lift before use, and following manufacturer instructions. Best Buy Automotive Equipment offers a variety of safety products and resources to help customers operate lifts safely and responsibly.

Ride High with Confidence: Mastering the Art of Motorcycle Lifts

Now let’s review a different type of lift: the motorcycle lift. These are vital pieces of equipment for any motorcycle enthusiast or repair facility. They provide a safe and efficient way to work on motorcycles, allowing access to hard-to-reach areas and making maintenance and repairs much easier. Best Buy Automotive Equipment offers a wide range of these types of lifts to meet the needs of any motorcycle enthusiast or repair facility. This section will provide an overview of the lifts and the different types available from Best Buy Automotive Equipment.

Benefits of These Lifts

These lifts offer several benefits for motorcycle enthusiasts and repair facilities. They provide a safe and efficient way to work on motorcycles, allowing access to hard-to-reach areas without having to crawl under the vehicle. The lifts also help to save time, as they allow multiple technicians to work on the same motorcycle simultaneously. Additionally, these lifts can help to increase the productivity of a repair facility, as they allow technicians to complete repairs and maintenance tasks more quickly and efficiently.

Best Buy Automotive’s Motorcycle Lift Offerings Best Buy Automotive offers several types of lifts, including:

Table Lifts: Table lifts are a popular choice for motorcycle enthusiasts and small repair facilities. They feature a platform that lifts the motorcycle off the ground, allowing access to the undercarriage for maintenance and repairs. Table lifts are available in both manual and hydraulic options.
Scissor Lifts: Scissor lifts are another popular option for motorcycle enthusiasts and small repair facilities. They feature a set of hydraulic scissors that lift the motorcycle off the ground, providing access to the undercarriage.
ATV Lifts: ATV lifts are designed specifically for lifting ATVs and other off-road vehicles. They feature a wider platform and higher weight capacity than traditional motorcycle lifts.

Best Buy Automotive offers a wide range of lifts from top brands, including Ranger and Atlas. The company’s offerings include table lifts, scissor lifts, and ATV lifts, as well as lift accessories and replacement parts. With options for both home garages and commercial repair facilities, Best Buy Automotive is a trusted source for high-quality lifts.

Best Buy Auto Equipment is a reliable source of high-quality auto equipment and supplies. Our wide selection of car and motorcycle lifts, competitive prices, and exceptional customer service make us a trusted choice for automotive professionals across the United States. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. And don’t forget to check out our car lifts and our extensive selection of motorcycle lifts and lift tables today!